Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My Podcast Subscriptions

Okay, well I think I've gone a little podcast crazy here in the last couple of days. Using both itunes and Internet searches, I've found quite a few podcasts that I'm now subscribing to. Of the 12 I'm following in my RSS aggregator, about half of them are school/classroom use and the other half are my own personal interests. I think I can safely say after this week.....I'm addicted! Below are my three favorite subscriptions with a description of what they are and how I may use them in the classroom (if applicable)

  • Storynory Podcast This podcast is for anyone who loves children's stories. Each podcast provides the listeners with a new story for their listening pleasure. This would be a great podcast for assessing and/or building student comprehension. In first grade, it's often hard to assess whether the students are not comprehending a story because they really can't read the words or if they are truly not comprehending what they are reading. This podcast would be great because the stories are read to them. I could easily make a short quiz about each story for a student to complete after listening. OR....this podcast also provides the words to the story. I could print out the words beforehand, have the student read the story, answer the questions, and then listen to the story to HEAR exactly what they misinterpretted when reading. The possibilies are truly endless, and the site does a great job of using all types of story genres.
  • WillowWeb This podcast is created for kids by kids. It's from a school in Nebraska called Willowdale. The kids (from all grade levels) take turns broadcasting what they are learning about, but they do it in a fun and innovative way. It's great to listen to because the kids actually TEACH what they have learned via the "radio show." So, I could easily use it in my classroom for the students to learn interesting facts as well as learning how to speak when making our own podcasts. It's even great for me because I can get ideas on what to put in a podcast with my own students. Check it out!
  • Get Lost This is for anyone who loves the ABC show "LOST." It's not the feed to the actual show podcast. Instead it's a podcast for episode discussions, theories, and hidden meanings behind the ever-thickening plot of the island and its crash survivors. If you're a show know what I'm talking about.
  • Jon and Kate Plus Eight is also a must, but it's more of a vodcast.

1 comment:

Miss Luffy said...

I liked the WillowWeb podcast you found. It is similar to the Hooverpodacast I found. It's great to hear students recalling concepts taught in class and sharing them orally with others around the world. I do something similar to this, but a much shorter version. I think next time I will try having them incorporate more details into their broadcast.